Dr Ajay Singh, Gennova Biopharmaceuticals Ltd.
Dr Ajay Singh
Head – mRNA Department
Gennova Biopharmaceuticals Ltd.

Dr. Singh accomplished his doctorate in biochemistry from South Campus Delhi University, New Delhi, India. Dr. Singh is a proficient molecular biologist and biochemist with a core specialization in mRNA technology, cell/gene therapy, and antibody engineering. Dr. Singh has been part of Gennova since 2013 and has widened his horizons by working on various domains. His heart of research is mRNA vaccines, cell therapy, gene therapy, biotherapeutics, and antibody discovery. Dr. Singh is known for his notable contribution to the area of mRNA vaccine design, development, and production by creating keener genetic designs, and versatile and robust mRNA production process. Further, these contributions were the key to the development of the first fully indigenous mRNA vaccine in India - GEMCOVAC®-19 followed by an Omicron-specific heterologous booster - GEMCOVAC®-OM. Currently, he is establishing the proof of concept of editing human genes to cure various genetic disorders. He is also developing mRNA-based personalized cancer vaccines targeting neo-antigens and mRNA-based CAR-T therapy for the treatment of refractory and relapsed cancer. Dr. Singh has played a significant role in laying the foundation pillar for the mRNA vaccine platform in the country and is working optimistically and diligently to serve mankind in the future.